This datasets contains information about NYCHA residents who earned a high school equivalency (HSE) diploma in a given year. Only Pathways to Graduation HSE graduates are included. Pathways to Graduation is a full-time free NYC Department of Education program that helps students earn their HSE Diploma. Each row in the dataset represents the number of public housing residents on a NYCHA Development-level who earned a HSE diploma through participation in Pathways to Graduation.
Up until December 2021, in New York State, HSE diplomas were awarded to students who passed the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) exam. In December 2021 New York Staten transitioned from using the TASC to the GED Test as the state’s HSE exam.
For datasets related to other services provided to NYCHA residents, view the data collection “Services available to NYCHA Residents - Local Law 163”.
This datasets contains information about NYCHA residents who earned a high school equivalency (HSE) diploma in a given year. Only Pathways to Graduation HSE graduates are included. Pathways to Graduation is a full-time free NYC Department of Education program that helps students earn their HSE Diploma. Each row in the dataset represents the number of public housing residents on a Council District-level who earned a HSE diploma through participation in Pathways to Graduation.
Up until December 2021, in New York State, HSE diplomas were awarded to students who passed the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) exam. In December 2021 New York Staten transitioned from using the TASC to the GED Test as the state’s HSE exam.
For datasets related to other services provided to NYCHA residents, view the data collection “Services available to NYCHA Residents - Local Law 163”.
List of firms that are disqualified to work for the SCA. The file includes the term of the firms' disqualification. If the 'disqualified to date' is empty, the firm is disqualified indefinitely.
The dataset is underlying data of the EquityNYC website (, which was developed by the Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity to explore the economic, social, environmental, and physical health of New York City across race/ethnicity, gender, neighborhood, and income.
2010 school survey with ratings in categories such as parental academic expectations, teacher academic expectations, student engagement, safety, and other categories
2009 school survey with ratings in categories such as parental academic expectations, teacher academic expectations, student engagement, safety, and other categories
List of public facilities offering computers with internet access, according to administrative data collected by the Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
Broadband adoption rates among demographic subgroups in New York City
Data Limitations: Data accuracy is limited as of the date of publication and by the methodology and accuracy of the original sources. The City shall not be liable for any costs related to, or in reliance of, the data contained in these datasets.
This dataset contains the indicators included in the OneNYC 2050 Strategic Plan that will be used to assess progress in achieving the eight overreaching goals of the plan: (1) Vibrant Democracy; (2) Inclusive Economy; (3) Thriving Neighborhoods; (4) Healthy Lives; (5) Equity and Excellence in Education; (6) Livable Climate; (7) Efficient Mobility; and (8) Modern Infrastructure. Each line of data provides the goal, the relevant sub-initiative, the indicator, the baseline year and value for the indicator and the goal. Data is collected by the Mayor’s Office of Operations from the relevant agency.