The Bus Breakdown and Delay system collects information from school bus vendors operating out in the field in real time. Bus staff that encounter delays during the route are instructed to radio the dispatcher at the bus vendor’s central office. The bus vendor staff are then instructed to log into the Bus Breakdown and Delay system to record the event and notify OPT. OPT customer service agents use this system to inform parents who call with questions regarding bus service. The Bus Breakdown and Delay system is publicly accessible and contains real time updates. All information in the system is entered by school bus vendor staff.
Directory of Department of Education High Schools in 2019
This data is collected for the purposes of providing families and students with information about NYC DOE high schools for the purposes of admissions. Each record represents one high school.
The number of NYC households, residential buildings, and new schools receiving curbside organics collection, by Fiscal Year that collection began. As of October 2024, curbside composting service is available to all NYC residents. For more information, visit: Note that Curbside Composting service was suspended from May 4, 2020 until October 1, 2021.