This dataset provides information on various indicators of safety measured by MTA Bridges & Tunnels, along with targets for some indicators. The indicators are a combination of preventative measures taken to prevent unsafe incidents, as well as occurrences of unsafe incidents.
This dataset provides information on various indicators of safety performance measured by Metro North Rail Road. The indicators track safety performance metrics, such as accident rates and incident counts, over monthly periods to monitor and evaluate safety outcomes.
Major felonies reflect the count of arrests made in relation to seven major felony offenses within the MTA system. These offenses are classified as murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto.
This dataset reflects the monthly number of employee-reported incidents of workplace violence, as defined by New York State Labor Law Section 27-B, against on-duty MTA employees. This dataset divides workplace violence incidents into groupings according to New York State Penal Law Related Offenses. The same data is available in the MTA Workplace Violence Labor Law Incidents dataset, which divides the data as reported pursuant to New York State Labor Law Section 27-B.
This dataset provides insights into safety-related incidents and indicators within New York City Transit (NYCT). NYCT is responsible for overseeing the safety of subway and bus operations, aiming to ensure the well-being of both employees and passengers. This dataset offers information about various safety aspects, including incidents, collisions, and accident prevention indicators within the NYCT system.
The Safe Streets for Seniors program is an initiative aimed at increasing safety for older New Yorkers. Based on factors such as senior population density, injury crashes, and senior trip generators, DOT has selected and studied Senior Pedestrian Focus Areas. Within these areas, DOT evaluates potential safety improvements and also conducts educational outreach to senior centers.
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This dataset reflects the monthly number of employee-reported incidents of workplace violence, as defined by New York State Labor Law Section 27-B, against on-duty MTA employees. This dataset divides workplace violence incidents into groupings as reported pursuant to New York State Labor Law Section 27-B. The same data is available in the MTA Workplace Violence Penal Law Incidents dataset, which divides the data according to New York State Penal Law Related Offenses.
This dataset provides aggregated daily counts of interdictions of persistent toll violators at each B&T facility, including the date and facility of interdiction.
This dataset combines Key Performance Indicator data that was reported starting with the creation of the MTA Stat performance metric dashboard in 2008 through 2021. Most of the metrics in the dataset available elsewhere on the open data portal.