This dataset contains information regarding placements of speed humps and speed cushions within the five boroughs.
Speed humps are traffic calming devices intended to slow traffic speeds on low volume, low speed roads. Speed humps are 3–4 inches high and 14–20 feet wide, with a ramp length of 3–6 feet, depending on target speed. Speed cushions are either speed humps or speed tables that include wheel cutouts to allow large vehicles to pass unaffected, while reducing passenger car speeds. They can be offset to allow unimpeded passage by emergency vehicles and are typically used on key emergency response routes. Speed humps are generally installed on local residential (non-truck route, non-bus route locations), while speed cushions are generally installed on designated truck route locations and bus route locations.
The requests for speed hump/cushion come through Commissioner Correspondences or from other sources and entered manually into the Speed Reducer Tracking System. The Speed Reducer Tracking System then tracks the results of request to determine whether a speed hump/cushion is feasible for installation.