Citywide raster files of annual average predicted surface for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon (BC), and nitric oxide (NO); summer average for ozone (O3) and winter average for sulfure dioxide (SO2).
Description: Annual average predicted surface for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon (BC), and nitric oxide (NO); summer average for ozone (O3) and winter average for sulfure dioxide (SO2). File type is ESRI grid raster files at 300 m resolution, NAD83 New York Long Island State Plane FIPS, feet projection. Prediction surface generated from Land Use Regression modeling of December 2008- December 2019 (years 1-11) New York Community Air Survey monitoring data.As these are estimated annual average levels produced by a statistical model, they are not comparable to short term localized monitoring or monitoring done for regulatory purposes. For description of NYCCAS design and Land Use Regression Modeling process see: