Local Law 60 enacted in 2011 requires the Chancellor of the New York City School District to submit to the Council an annual report concerning school capacity and utilization data for the prior school year. This report consists of four tabs:
1. Summary Information - Count of each type of room assigned to each school by building, and whether any of those rooms are shared.
2. Room Detail Information - Includes the room number and square footage of each room type assigned to each school by building, and whether that room is shared. Rooms shared by some or all schools in the building are only listed once but should be tagged as “shared.”
3. Bathroom and Non-instructional Space by Building Information - Includes the number of student bathrooms in each building, whether they are open all the time, whether any bathrooms are shared, the number of non-instructional spaces used for instruction or other student services, and whether any of those non-instructional spaces are shared.
4. Meal Periods - Data reported is for the 2020-2021 school year. 45 minutes is used as the standard period length. For records with no meal periods, 1 period used as default for breakfast, 2 for lunch. All full Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) schools do not contain a breakfast period. Some schools have a hybrid breakfast that includes both a breakfast period and BIC. These schools are noted by listing the breakfast period and ""/BIC"" in column H- ""Meals"".