The Registration is considered a forward-looking document that
requires Lobbyists (including Public Corporations) to disclose
anticipated lobbying activities including the expected subject(s),
targets and money involved with lobbying for a particular Client
during a biennial period. Registrations must be filed on a biennial
basis by any Lobbyist who is retained, employed, or designated to
lobby, and who meets or reasonably anticipates combined
Reportable Compensation and Expenses in excess of $5,000 for
Lobbying Activities on a State and/or Municipal level, in any calendar
year during the biennial period.
The Public Corporation Statement of Registration contains
information on the organizations and individuals registered to lobby
with the Commission that includes the identities of the Lobbyists and
Clients, lobbying agreement and compensation information, and
descriptions of anticipated lobbying activities, subjects and parties
lobbied. Registrations cover a biennial two-year period (2019-2020,
2021-2022, etc.).