This dataset contains cooling tower systems currently registered in the NYC Cooling Tower Registration Portal and Legionella water test dates as reported by a building's qualified person. Decommissioned cooling tower systems are excluded from the dataset.
Cooling tower registration in NYC was mandated by Section 17-194.1 of the NYC Administrative Code on August 18, 2015, and operation and maintenance of cooling towers in NYC are ruled by Chapter 8 of Title 24 of the Rules of the City of New York (Chapter 8).
The cooling tower system’s qualified person, as defined in Chapter 8, must report Legionella water test dates to the NYC Health Department as required by amendments to the NYC Administrative Code Section 17-194.1(f) on April 28, 2019.
The NYC Department of Buildings requires building owners and managers to register their cooling tower systems and the registration data is shared with BWSO for this dataset. Registration data is entered by building owners and managers through the NYC Cooling Tower Registration Portal and cooling tower characteristics (such as building address) are published as entered by the registrant.