The Agency Report Table aggregates pay and employment characteristics in accordance with the requirements of Local Law 18 of 2019. The Table is a point-in-time snapshot of employees who were either active or on temporary leave (parental leave, military leave, illness, etc.) as of December 31st of each year the data is available (see Column "Data Year"). In addition, the Table contains snapshot data of active employees in seasonal titles as of June 30th. To protect the privacy of employees, the sign “<5” is used instead of the actual number for groups of less than five (5) employees, in accordance with the Citywide Privacy Protection Policies and Protocols. The Pay and Demographics Report, and the list of agencies included is available on the MODA Open Source Analytics Library:
Each row represents a group of employees with a common agency, EEO-4 Job Category, pay band, employee status and demographic attributes, which include race, ethnicity and gender.