The number of reportable job-related incidents that result in the inability of an employee to perform full job duties for at least one working day beyond the day of the incident, as well as a breakdown of the number of Employees and Lost Time Accident Rates.
This dataset includes the following safety metrics: customer accident rate, grade crossing incidents, train derailments, train collisions, lost time accident rate, lost time injury rate, employee lost time days.
This dataset provides information on various indicators of safety measured by MTA Bridges & Tunnels, along with targets for some indicators. The indicators are a combination of preventative measures taken to prevent unsafe incidents, as well as occurrences of unsafe incidents.
This dataset includes the following safety metrics: customer accident rate, grade crossing incidents, train derailments, train collisions, lost time accident rate, lost time injury rate, employee lost time days.
This dataset combines Key Performance Indicator data that was reported starting with the creation of the MTA Stat performance metric dashboard in 2008 through 2021. Most of the metrics in the dataset available elsewhere on the open data portal.